Tuesday, April 27, 2010

To Shave or Not to Shave

Sometimes I step out of my mom shoes and slide into my I-am -a- woman-too shoes. Man, do they ever pinch the baby toe. I decided to wax the good ole bikini line. I mean everyone is doing it these days. I have had two kids for crying out loud ... I should be able to do this. Well, I decided I wasn't to go and bare my hoo-ha for some lady named Helga who hadn't so much as thought about her bikini line in decades. So, I nominated hubby. He truly seemed thrilled which made more than a little suspicious. Anyhow, we went ot Target and I picked out my torture. We got home and I assumed the postition. Let me tell you, I felt more sexy digging a wegie out than I did at that moment. I felt him apply the warm wax. I tried to use my lamaze training to prepare myself. Afterall, I never used it in childbirth, so might as well get some use out of it. Then he yanked.

When I came to I screamed. Literally. Then I pulled myself together. I mean what if I woke up the kids?? They would be scarred for life to see me like this. So, I put on a brave face and nodded the go ahead for the second strip.

NO MORE! I wheezed. I cannot do this I tell him. He laughed but stopped his torture. I carefully reach down and feel ..... a quarter size area that was as smooth as a baby's bottom. A quarter sized area.

So, I shave now.


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