Tuesday, April 27, 2010

3 is a crowd

Lately there has been trouble brewing in our happy little abode. Our 4 year old is struggling to find where he is in the kid/adult world. It seems early to me, but hey. I am chalking it up to him being super smart.

A prime problem stemming from this is that our youngest now has 3 parents instead of the 2 he is used to. This is a mjor problem mostly because Tyler differs in his dicipline ethics from Mike and I. ( This bit is tongue in cheek. We do not expect Tyler to parent Ethan. So save the hate mail.) He is a bit more harsh than we are .

Let me give you an example. Ethan is toeing the line of listening. He is testing the waters. We expect it. He is 2. Anyhow, our two boys are in the yard playing baseball. I am sitting on the porch watching. I can tell they are bickering, but I decide to let them hash this one out. All of a sudden, Tyler swings the little yellow plastic bat for all it's worth smacking Ethan square in his button little nose. Ethan steps back a bit, stunned, and then begins wailing. Understandably of course. I march down there. I quickly make sure Ethan's nose isn't broken and turn my full attention to Tyler.

" What were you thinking hitting Ethan in the face with a bat, son?" I am fuming.

"Well, Mom. Now he'll listen."

Tough love I guess.

*Vintage Post

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