Thursday, May 6, 2010

Surrender to the dark side

So, I have a three year old son who idolizes Star Wars. He eats, sleeps, and breathes light sabers and Darth Vader.He is full blown on teh dark side here. Rarely is it that he chooses to be Yoda. He is mostly a DArth boy. However, if it is remotely Star Wars, he digs it. So, naturally he sleeps with an entire fleet of Star Wars action figures. The other night we are having a hard time getting him to stay in bed. At this point, I don't care if he is creating master pieces on his body in Sharpies, I just want him quiet and in bed. About 35 minutes into this warfare we called bedtime, he is at the door again. Obviously his body has quit producing spit because he is STILL parched after about 2 gallons of water admininstered one cup at a time. This is it. We are going for the gusto. We take his Darth Vader figure. We know this is below the belt, but we are desperate. My husband walks out of his room and sets his new spoil of war on the mantel. No more than two seconds later, we hear the door open again. We see poor Luke Skywalker fly across the hallway and land with a thud near our feet. The next thing to emerge is our son. Now, he isn't standing at the door. He is in full surrender mode. I see the defeat etched in the lines of his body as he is army crawling out of his room. Then I hear something that nearly made me pee my pants......

He pointed to the Luke laying at out feet and says, "Take Luke! Please, Dad, I want Darth ..... take Luke Skywalker!"


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